
Dear Music and Beyond Volunteers,

Thank you to each of you for volunteering your time and for providing tremendous support each season. Your generosity, hard work and dedication is instrumental in making the festival a success year after year. From helping with production and setup to providing assistance and ushering guests, your willingness to go above and beyond is evident at every event!

We are honored to have had you on board, and we look forward to continuing to work together to create beautiful and inspiring events that bring joy and enrichment to our community.

From all of us at Music and Beyond, thank you!

Music & Beyond 2023 Volunteers

Become a Volunteer!

Our Volunteer Application Form

If you have any questions about volunteering with Music and Beyond, you can reach us at volunteer@musicandbeyond.ca.


Music and Beyond has a variety of opportunities for volunteers of all ages!

Whether you are an experienced volunteer or are looking to get involved in your community for the first time, Music and Beyond may be the right fit for you. Our dedicated volunteers play a vital role in making our festivals, concerts, galas, and fundraisers a success year after year.

Student volunteers are always welcome!

Students can gain volunteer hours to meet their high school or university requirements.

Music and Beyond Volunteer Positions

  • Usher
  • Production
  • Translation
  • Proof reading publications
  • Social Ambassador