Tanis Browning-Shelp
Browning-Shelp has been a Music and Beyond director since August of 2019.
Music has always been part of her life. She believes that music can and should enrich every child’s life.
Through her own involvement singing in youth and adult choirs; working professionally as an accompanist for ballet dancers, vocalists, and instrumentalists; performing as a solo pianist; and teaching piano for 42 years (she was an Ontario Registered Music Teacher by age 16); she has seen what music can do for children and adults—she believes in its power.
She brings 34 years of experience in the field of strategic communications, both as a paid professional in the public and not-for-profit sectors, and as a volunteer, to the Music and Beyond board. Browning-Shelp is also a magazine and newspaper feature writer. She is the Arts Editor for the community newspaper The Mainstreeter, and she has published three books of fiction for young adults.